How to be creative and film a low budget fundraising corporate video?
  • 09
  • 05

Understanding what the organisation does is important. However, it is also important NOT to include everything into the video.

A non-profit charitable organisation like Care Corner has always kept low profile from the media while it consistently reached out and helped the needy.

One of the goal for the video is to keep it simple while evoking the sense of contentment and blessing to one another.
Unlike a conventional corporate video that talks about what the organisation does with the aid of voice-over or having interviews from the management, volunteers or service users.
We proposed to get the community to do “one” thing together for this meaningful video. Sing !
A simple song such as “Twinkle twinkle little star” enhances the intimacy and brings out the feeling of care and comfort.

After the ideation, a treatment is needed to communicate the vision to whoever is involved so they have a clearer vision and the intention for the video. The use of black and white impacts and draws the audience without any other distraction of other colors or messy background. It also shows isolation at the start and slowly the video progresses to show hope by introducing back the colors.

We knew we have limitation for the production. We had to utilise what we have.
We were grateful to have fellow production house “Atypical films” to support us with the Aputure ls c300d light.
Keeping it simple with in-house black-cloth backdrop. A portable boombox speaker to playback for the music.

Below is the simple setup for the shoot:

Each person will get to warm up and record their singing once before we proceed to the actual filming:

To cut cost and time, we recorded the actual singing on set. We had tech-recce and secured the location several weeks before the shoot to ensure it is quiet. The location is one of the service center from Care Corner.

Since we do not have a teleprompter, we improvised! Do look out for the eye-line from the talents.

Below is the final video:

The Fundraising night was a success. Lauren Yeo opened the night with her gifted and beautiful voice.

It was great to reunite with the folks that sang and performed in the video.

Comments (1)

  • Su Yeo
    Posted July 1, 2018

    Beautiful video, thank you Ray!

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